Thursday, January 22, 2009

But I Upgraded You

Question… Is it harder to leave a person when you feel as though you have put a lot of work into them? What I mean by this is often a couple gets together and one person kind of gets upgraded. Meaning maybe you help them get a new, better paying job, maybe you’ve helped them do some networking and make advances in their field, maybe you’ve helped them polish their image a bit. Maybe you’ve spend hours helping them look for a house or apartment, redoing their resume, helping them get over the loss of a loved one. Whatever the situation, we all know how it feels to have put a significant amount of work (mental and emotional) into a relationship. However, when things are going good this isn’t a problem because helping them essentially helps you and you want to be there as a resource and support system. But what about when they start acting crazy and screwing up, doing things that could very reasonably cause you to leave. As your sitting by yourself or with friends contemplating whether to stay our go, how big of a role does the investment you put in play. I know for some women, its almost like if you leave someone else will benefit from all the work you did with the heathen man. For guys is it the same way, if you’ve upgraded a woman is it harder to leave her alone. Do you also feel almost like how dare they act crazy after all you’ve done? Is it wrong to feel that way? Not to say that a person owes you anything in a materialistic sense, but in a sense of respect and consideration shouldn’t they treat you a little nicer if you have helped them attain some of their goals in life?

1 comment:

Mamalicious said...

not only if you have 'put a lot of work into them', but what if they have grown to be a better or stronger person because of you?