Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sweetheart or stalker?

Question…is it flattering or scary if a potential researches you before the first date? Let’s say you meet a guy, have a bit of conversation, then exchange numbers. You chat with the fellow a few times and make plans for a date. By the time you go on the date you realize the person has done some extensive research on you. He’s googled you, checked out all your info on FB or myspace, or whatever form of social media you use. So on the date he begins asking you questions about things you know you didn’t tell him about. When you ask him how he knows all this stuff he tells you he looked you up to 1)get to know you better and 2) have more topics for conversation. Would you consider this flattering or a bit stalkerish?


Mamalicious said...

hmmm tricky. but i guess you can't be mad really, cause if you put stuff on the internet, it's there for anyone to see - security settings or not. so i think you should be prepared for your information to come back at you - and maybe be a bit more vigilant about what you are putting on the World Wide Web.

~JSW said...

You are right you do have to be careful what info you put out there b/c it is available to everyone. I actually did have a guy google me once and found out about a lot of the projects I do for work and I've also had guys dig into my old myspace stuff. In those cases I don't think it was weird, but it was after we had already spoken and I told them about my various social media accounts. I think if someone had researched me before the first date, before I told him about any of those things... I might be slightly creeped out.