Sunday, November 22, 2009

Love at a risk?

Question...If you were told that if you got pregnant there as an elevated risk that you would die, but your SO really wanted another child what would you do? Hypothetically lets you had a child already, but it was a complicated pregnancy and delivery. After this your doctor told you that if you were to have to get pregnant again it would likely be a difficult pregnancy and you were at a high risk for hemreging during child birth and dying. However, your partners really wanted another child and you really wanted to give him one. Would you tell him no because of the health risks or would you take the risk because you knew it meant a lot to him? Would you feel some kind of way of the fact that he would want you to have a child given the risks to your health?

1 comment:

Mamalicious said...

it really comes down to what you (the woman) want(s)....when a woman wants more children, she will go to whatever extreme she has to take, and if she's done, she's done. it's never about the man!!!!