Monday, October 20, 2008

YBR-- Are you a Coward?

Question…Does running from love make you a coward? I mean a coward runs in the face of fear right. Anything that might hurt them or cause them pain they fly in the opposite direction. I bring this up because I notice that many people when faced with love don't often know what to do with it. There are times when a person loves you more than you ever thought you could be loved and that is a really scary thing, especially if you've never experienced that before. But such fear shouldn't cause you to run, not from love. People leave perfectly good relationships with wonderful people simply out of fear. Not realizing that staying, opening yourself up, is far more rewarding. Realistically aren't all great things in life scary. Getting that job you've always wanted, deciding to go back to school, buying a house, all these thing are wonderful steps in life, but they can be quite scary at first. But you do it anyway knowing it will pay off in the end. Love is the same way. Allowing yourself to open up to another person completely and having that person do the same for you is scary. Having a person that makes you so happy that you think its too good to be true can be terrifying, I get that. But you can't spend your life being scared of what can go wrong with love. Sometimes you just have to go for it and try for the best. Interestingly enough just about any relationship can work if you have two people that love each other and are committed to one another. They're not easy, they have ups and downs, but there is nothing more amazing than being in love with somebody (when somebody loves you back, and that's a fact…lol). But you can never experience that if you always run. Now maybe I'm a little harsh to say running from love makes you a coward. But if you think about it…doesn't kinda make you one?

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