Monday, November 16, 2009

Its all good until someone ends up pregnant.

This blog isn't about any one specific situation, but rather a phenomenon that occurs in some men when they find out their woman is pregnant. Now I will start by saying this isn't a blog bashing men its not even meant to be a mean blog. And not all men will fall into the category of man I'm now discussing. But for the few that we go. I just don't understand this particular thing. We all know the birds and the bees. We know that sex leads to babies. Yeah there is birth control, condoms, and all kinds of other stuff that is "supposed" to keep babies from coming, but may or may not work the way its supposed to. Bottom line if you have sex a baby could result. We also know that it requires two people to make this happen... a man and a woman.

Over the years, talking to friends and associates I've heard all kinds of stories about the man's reaction to the news. Everything from "how did that happen" or "well is it mine" or "what do you mean your pregnant" or "why would you want to do this" or "I thought you said you didn't want any kids". I could go on for days. The thing that gets me is, why is it some guys act as though they've been lead astray, hoodwinked, bamboozled when their girl ends up pregnant. Quite often when the act is happening the man has no concern about birth control they don't use anything don't ask about anything, they just want to get it in. I have one friend who had been with her man for about 3 years,he knew she wasn't taking birth control and neither of them put forth any effort in using contraception. So when she inevitably got pregnant she told her man and his response was to get upset and say "well what do you have to say about this" as if she's done something wrong.

I realize finding out you are having a child is a life changing experience, but why is the first inclination to act shocked and confused? Or to to imply that the woman must have gotten pregnant by someone else? Now most guys, even the ones that act stupid up front, may very well go on to be great fathers once they get over their ignorance, but I'm still trying to understand the dumbstruck first response that oh so many men give.

1 comment:

Mamalicious said...

i think men don't really comprehend that sex ='s baby until both parties are trying for a baby. other than that, men think sex is sex.

another time they comprehend this whole baby making thing is when they want a baby, but their girl isn't ready yet. then it becomes 'what's wrong with you'....or then they think about the actual process, lol.

but when the girl falls preg, and he was not even thinking about babies, then it is something we did all on our own. funny that.