Monday, November 10, 2008

YBR-- Trading Places

Question… if a guy is less than responsive early in a relationship is it because he’s not that into you or is it that he wants you to pursue him a little. This comes from a discussion I had with a friend of mine over lunch today. We were both talking about how we had stopped talking to guys because they didn’t seem very interested. This is usually marked by not calling, not initiating dates, or putting forth any real effort towards getting to know each other. The interesting thing about these men is when you’re with them everything is great and it seems as though the interest is mutual and as long as you keep calling and asking them out things will seem fine. However, the second you stop initiating things just fizzle out. It lead me to wonder if there are a ton of decent guys out there that just prefer for the woman to do the courting early on in the relationship. I for one am not really into all that. I don’t mind putting forth my share of effort, but I need you to show me you want me. Which is why if I’m dating someone and they aren’t giving me anything back I just move on. So my question is…is my thinking a bit too hasty? Do men prefer to be courted or are they just not interested? I was always told if a man really wants you he’ll put in the work, does this still hold true or is it old school advice?